Thursday, February 25, 2010


hi. it's February.
this is my first college post on this blog.
MMMMMM. I've been trying to catch up on sleep lately, but it's done weird things to me. maybe I shouldn't take melatonin. last night I got a full 8 hours of sleep and took a 3 hour nap during the day, so when I tried to go to sleep tonight [after taking melatonin, of course, to try to reset my schedule] I woke up after 3 or 4 hours. then I slept for another 3. and even though I've gotten about 7 hours of sleep and it's only 6 am, I feel exhausted, probably because the melatonin hasn't worn off yet. BOO. I don't want to feel this drowsy. :( I want to either feel good enough to get up or sleepy enough to go back to bed, and I'm neither. so I'm blogging.

so let's see. college. yes. I love college. Brown is so much better than high school. however, I'm at the point where I'm getting tired in the semester and kind of want summer.... although I am not at all anxious to push college along, I'd love a three month break right about now. but yes, pushing college along, I don't ever want to go into the real world, so I'm sad it's going by so quickly. boo. at least February [aka worst month ever] is nearly complete.

I'm going to try to read or something because it's less stimulating than being on a computer. KBYE.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hey there. I suck at life for not posting in so long. I guess summer has just been going in a pretty boring direction the past month. Nothing else is really new. I need to attend to this blog more. ;)

I started this site to review things . . so I might as well just give a brief overview of stuff. Again, this is being done really sloppily right now and I apologize.

500 Days of Summer - good movie, not cliché. See it.
Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix - great album. Download it.

I'm so boring right now.

I'm also trying to cram-study French before placement exams in a few weeks. BAHHHHH college.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Happy 4th of July! I realize I've posted three times within about twelve hours, but no matter. I'm feeling fantastic today! :) I've started working out a lot more and it's finally beginning to pay off. I'm going to take a nap now before I go out to see fireworks tonight. Yayyyy. :)

First Review of Something

Hi again, two minutes later!! Since I'm starting this as a sort of opinion site, I'm going to spread the love of a band that I sincerely endorse and feel that everyone should check out.

If you haven't heard of the group of Montreal, you are seriously missing out. Their early albums resemble Beatles songs, although as they have progressed and developed, their sound has moved more towards electronica. You can still catch old chord progressions in their newer works, however. 

If you are heavily into the indie music scene, you might have listened to some of their latest album, entitled Skeletal Lamping. This is definitely very different from their other albums, due to the fact that it's done almost entirely from the perspective of lead singer Kevin Barnes' stage persona, Georgie Fruit, a cross-dressing black man, and has a different feel than the other albums. I'm not a particular fan of this album, although I recommend the songs An Eluardian Instance and St. Exquisite's Confessions as the two best tracks that are both worth investing in. Oh, and the album art, as usual, is awesome [pictured at bottom].

If you would like to partake in more vintage oM, I suggest the albums: Satanic Panic in the Attic, The Sunlandic Twins, and Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?. All three of those albums are definitely worth obtaining. The third takes some getting used to, but soon becomes one of their most meaningful works after a few times through. Also, I suggest buying the song Penelope as well as the track Jaques Lamure off their even earlier albums if you are looking for a more classic, Beatles-sounding experience.

P.S. I realize this is a terrible review and I'm simply impressing my music tastes upon anyone reading. I'm sorry. I'll get better at this, I promise. 


Hello, my name is Rachel, and I guess I started a blog because it's the summer after my senior year in high school and I have nothing better to do. Perhaps I feel motivated after finishing the book Yes Man [surprisingly, it seems to be nothing like the movie, although I can't claim to have seen it. However, I'm pretty positive the film doesn't focus around great British humour] as of a half hour ago. Just to cover the basics: I'm done with high school and I'm going to Brown next year, which I'm very excited about, considering I previously spent twelve years at one K-12 preparatory institution. I have no idea what I'd like to concentrate in as of yet; only that it will not be engineering. My sleeping schedule is ridiculously messed up, so it's difficult for me to fall asleep anytime before 3 a.m. anymore. I am working on this. I plan to awaken early tomorrow to watch the 4th of July parade outside my house . . oh wait . . I mean, this morning . . shit . . 
. . but anywho, last night I went to bed at 6:30. Not a great idea. I stayed in my bed for a few hours before deciding I couldn't fall asleep and got a bowl of cereal. Then I fell asleep.
Back to the main point. I'm starting this blog because I guess I'm going to voice my opinions on things. I've tried livejournal, facebook notes, etc., but I'm thinking this might be a bit different. I guess it'll be a nice place to record my opinions of books, films, music/concerts, and other things, rather than a direct chronicle of my life's experiences. I might throw some of those in too, but I don't think this is the right place for things such as philosophical rants in the middle of February when the weather is depressing, for example. If anyone feels differently, just let me know. Ha.
I'm guessing no one will really follow this blog, so I'm kidding myself. But just in case, hello to all, and welcome to Rachel's Thought Depository [I thought that was a sufficiently cheesy name to attribute to this blog].